What RSS feeds does City Journal offer?

City Journal offers two different RSS feeds:

Articles. This RSS feed will send you headlines from both the print and online editions of City Journal.

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City Journal’s 10 Blocks Podcast. Listen to City Journal’s editors, contributors, and special guests discuss urban policy and cultural commentary.

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All of this material is also available on our publications page.

What is RSS?

RSS, which stands for “Really Simple Syndication,” is a format that allows readers access to many different sources of information, all from one convenient location. Let’s say you regularly check ten different websites for news, another ten for commentary, three more for baseball updates, and two for movie reviews. Wouldn’t it be easier if all the clickable headlines from those websites could be shuttled to a single place—for you to read, or not, at your convenience?

That’s what an RSS feed allows you to do. Any information—provided that it’s in RSS format—can be automatically sent to a program called an “aggregator” (some popular aggregators are Google Reader, My Yahoo!, Bloglines, and SharpReader, for example). Then, instead of visiting dozens of different websites, you can browse headlines on the aggregator and choose the ones you're interested in.

How do I set my aggregator to collect a City Journal RSS feed?

Aggregators work in different ways, so we’d advise you to check the information offered by yours. Often you’ll gain access to an RSS feed by right-clicking on an RSS button (like the ones above), selecting “Copy Shortcut,” and then pasting that shortcut into a space provided by your aggregator; or by simply clicking on the button and following your aggregator's instructions.